Monday, February 22, 2010

Up to Speed....

Been a lil' busy lately - and the blog has suffered, SORRY -

Here is a brief recap of what was goin down that ya'll missed :

Valentine's Weekend in the city - with our great friends - AWESOME nite - Dinner at Parc; Rittenhouse Square - Overnite at the Hyatt; Penns Landing :)

Work - and more work - painting for Jeff as a "sub-contractor" hahaha....nice cash - but very busy -
Reno = DONE - showered in my new bathroom !! WOO HOO !

SNOW - not much more but a lil'

Play date with our big black friend.... :)

Naps, and chillin in the sun this past wkend.....also a lil' walk too -

Got lots more in store too - STAY TUNED ! this was just a lil' recap.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Let it Snow .....

"not so sure I like this mom..."
"Try some - tastes like chicken"

"nah - ur stupid.....MOM - take me in - its cold on my toes..."

"stop being a sissy - and come play w/me ! "

"seriously, your making me play w/her? do I have too....?"

"yes...come on.... "

"alright, its not that bad, i might like it"

"I do Like it... "

"happy now?"

"told u so"

Monday, February 1, 2010

HOLY February ......

I can't believe today is Feb. 1st.....!! Where the hell did January go ???

We were pretty much booked up the entire month of Jan. every weekend something planned - guess thats how it FLEW by -

This past weekend the hubby and I got an alone nite - which we spent at The Reigelsville Inn for a little grub and some drinks....was very nice. Saturday we had a wedding to attend; and had a nice surprise by seeing alot of old friends at the reception....and then Sunday we headed into New Hope in support of our dear friend Mr. Jamie Hollander as he was defending his championship title at the Chili-Cook-Off !

Long story short - Jamie's chili rocked, he however, did not win this year - I did learn that consuming mass amounts of chili along with micro brewed lager does NOT make my stomach happy - Good to Know !! :)

So in midst of the freezing cold weather we are enduring - it was once again, a nice weekend.

THIS coming weekend We Finally have NO plans - and I Love That !!

Happy Monday - Enjoy the week.

LilleLuBella | creative commons attribution- noncommercial license | blog designed by ljkc.